About Us
The Delaware Pest Control Association has its beginnings over 60 years ago when Dr. Dale Bray, a young professor at the University of Delaware, contacted a few pest control companies in the state and invited them to a meeting. At the time their was no affiliation between pest control companies in the state. Each company existed as a separate entity. The industry had no united voice, direction or means of working together for the good of the industry or the general public. Out of this meeting came the Delaware Pest Control Association.
A few years ago, the Delaware Pest Control Association became one the first state associations to begin a joint-state affiliation with the National Pest Management Association. This affiliation had brought many benefits to both associations.
Listed below are just a few of the many benefits of joining the Delaware Pest Control Association. We hope you'll consider us as a viable means of doing business in Delaware.
- Your Voice in Washington... and in Dover
- Promoting Your Profession
- Member rate for NPMA Annual Convention and DPCA Short Course
- Your Presence on the World Wide Web
- Who's Who in Professional Pest Control: Your One-Of-A-Kind Reference Guide
- Information Central: Instant Access
- Working Together in Common Cause
- Legislative Day: Grass Roots Pest Control Advocacy
- NPMA Resource Center: Information You Can Use
- Your Source for the Pest Control Industry's Strongest Training and Education
- Demonstrating and Publicizing Your Company's Commitment
- The Bottom Line: Increase Profits
Whether you are new to doing business in Delaware or have been doing so for years, and for whatever reason you decided that you weren't interested in becoming a member of the Delaware Pest Control Association, perhaps it's time that you take another look at the Association. For the past few years we've enjoyed a "Joint-State" relationship with the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and benefits of membership have grown to the point that you may want to take another serious look at joining.